Apr 2, 2018
A mother's love begins when her child is in utero.
A mother worries about what she eats, how she sleeps, and what she does and does not do during pregnancy in order to protect her baby in utero.
And while there are mothers who have friends who host baby showers in their honor, there are other moms who are not decorating nurseries but, instead, are working with adoption professionals to select parents and make detailed adoption plans.
Not all moms will move on to parent.
But all moms love their children.
This Sunday is Mother's Day. Moms will spend the day with their children, reminisce, make new memories, receive sticky hand-made or glossy store-bought cards, and get a 'thank you for all that you did and all that you do' -- because moms deserve a day to be pampered, to be honored, and to be respected. It's not an easy job but it is the most important job there is.
Birth Mothers won't get that thank you with those cards and those words from the children they bore. But no doubt birth mothers will be thinking of their children on Mother's Day.
On behalf of all adoptive moms who will get kisses and hugs from children that grew in their hearts but not in their wombs, I say thank you to the birth mothers who on Mother's Day will think about those kicks in utero, remember the swollen ankles and heartburn during pregnancy, and recall hours of labor and delivery. They will look at the hospital photos taken of their newborns and reminisce.
Birth Moms, you each brought a beautiful, healthy human being into the world and gave that child a beginning. It is because of you that your child is where he/she is today.
Thank you.
A birth mother will remember, and hope, and pray, and believe that she did what was right for her child even though it still hurts deep in her soul and always will. She had to let go in order for another to embrace the child whom she will always love.
We adoptive moms say thank you, birth moms, for your undying faith in bright futures, for your personal sacrifices, and, mostly, for being you, the strongest, bravest mothers we will ever know.
by Amy Shore, LPC & grateful adoptive mom